Your support is needed!
The 2026 State budget for the intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) system proposes historical, unprecedented funding cuts to the services and supports on which 21,000 Marylanders depend. If the budget is approved as-is, Makom and other services will be severely impacted.
That's where you come in. Your voice matters, especially in state and local decisions. We need you to call and email your local representatives and remind them that these services are critical and absolutely cannot be cut. Real people, real members of our community depend on DDA funding.
Don't wait-- reach out today. And reach out tomorrow, too. We must work together and speak loudly to make sure our friends and loved ones with disabilities are not left behind on the budget room floor.
Simply fill out the form below and customize and personalize our sample message to ensure your voice is heard. Don't forget to complete the message with your name and address, so they know you are a constituent.
There are no officials for you to contact on Email.
We're not targeting any representatives in your district. But you can still help!
Do you know anyone who lives in Maryland? Reach out to them and ask them to contact their representatives.
This is a critical time to stand together!
Please share with anyone else who might be interested in the work we do.